“All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.”
--Galileo Galilei
--Galileo Galilei
Certified as a Criminal Defense Specialist by the California Association of Licensed Investigators and the Criminal Defense Investigation Training Council, Robert Ferris has the training and experience to comprehensively manage criminal defense investigations through both the guilt and penalty phases of the defense's case.
A thorough and exhaustive investigation process offers the Criminal Defense Attorney the opportunity to be in full command of the facts needed to meet this requirement. Robert Ferris Investigations will tirelessly act as an objective, impartial, and honest Agent for Counsel delivering solid Work-Product, thus allowing the Defense Attorney to fully focus on the law, and redefining the narrative of the case.
Attacking the prosecution’s case by exposing inconsistency, discrepancies, errors, and omissions, then delivering new evidence from a variety of sources with the objective of showing that the law enforcement investigation and prosecution is flawed, and impeaching the government’s case, is the foundation of a well-planned and executed criminal defense investigation and the primary mission of Robert Ferris Investigations.
Robert Ferris Investigations utilizes the Component Method of Investigation to uncover reasonable doubt. This procedure is designed to apply effectively to all criminal defense cases, from simple battery to first degree murder.
Robert Ferris Investigations utilizes the Component Method of Investigation to uncover reasonable doubt. This procedure is designed to apply effectively to all criminal defense cases, from simple battery to first degree murder.
Robert Ferris Investigations has access to hundreds of Qualified Experts in a variety of disciplines to define the significance of evidence.